Ukrainian journal of physics. 2020, 65 (8) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2020. Вип. 8 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- To the 75th Anniversary of the Birthday of Leonid Bulavin. - C. 653-654.
- Molcan M., Safarik I., Pospiskova K., Paulovicova K., Timko M., Kopcansky P., Torma N. Magnetically modified electrospun nanofibers for hyperthermia treatment. - C. 655-661.
- Siposova K., Petrenko V. I., Ivankov O. I., Bulavin L. A., Musatov A. Small-angle neutron scattering study of bicelles and proteobicelles with incorporated mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase. - C. 662-669.
- Mitina N. Ye., Riabtseva A. O., Garamus V. M., Lesyk R. B., Volyanyuk K. A., Izhyk O. M., Zaichenko O. S. Morphology of the micelles formed by a comb-like PEG-containing copolymer loaded with antitumor substances with different water solubilities. - C. 670-677.
- Kutsevol N., Kuziv Y., Chumachenko V., Nadtoka O., Bulavin L., Chekhun V. Experimental approach to the creation of efficient multicomponent nanocomposites for antitumor therapy. - C. 678-685.
- Smokal V., Kharchenko O., Krupka O., Studzinsky S., Davidenko N., Figà V. Changes in optical properties of azopolymers in an electric field. - C. 686-690.
- Camp P. J., Ivanov A. O. Modified mean-field theory of one-dimensional spin models with anisotropy and long-range dipolar interactions. - C. 691-700.
- Tropin T. V., Jargalan N., Avdeev M. V., Aksenov V. L. Investigations of the kinetics of cluster growth in fullerene C60 solutions. - C. 701-708.
- Tomchuk O. V. The concept of fractals in the structural analysis of nanosystems: A retrospective look and prospects. - C. 709-728.
- Karpets M., Rajnak M., Ivankov O., Paulovicova K., Timko M., Kopcansky P., Bulavin L. Small-angle neutron scattering study of transformer oil-based ferrofluids. - C. 729-734.
- To the 90th Birthday of Petro Ivanovych Fomin (1930–2011). - C. 735-736.
- To the 95th Birthday of Dmytro Vasylyovych Volkov (1925–1996). - C. 737-738.