Ukrainian journal of physics. 2020, 65 (10) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2020. Вип. 10 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- To the 80th birthday of Serhiy Mykhailovych Ryabchenko. - C. 831-834.
- Stepanovsky Yu. P. Square roots of Kepler ellipses, electrons and rydberg atoms in a magnetic field. - C. 835-857.
- Kalita V. M., Lavanov G. Yu., Loktev V. M. Magnetization and magnetocaloric effect in antiferromagnets with competing Ising exchange and single-ion anisotropies. - C. 858-864.
- Boliasova O. O., Krivoruchko V. N. Longitudinal spin dynamics in the Heisenberg antiferromagnet: two-magnon excitations. - C. 865-874.
- Glinchuk M. D., Yurchenko L. P., Laguta V. V. Giant magnetoelectric response in multiferroics with coexistence of superparamagnetic and ferroelectric phases at room temperature. - C. 875-880.
- Stephanovich V. A., Semenov Yu. G. The magnetic domain structure properties in diluted magnetic semiconductors. - C. 881-888.
- Bazaliy Ya. B. Interpretation of the spin torque sign change in F/N/F structures in terms of a mechanical analogy. - C. 889-897.
- Polishchuk D. M., Kulyk M. M., Holmgren E., Pasquale G., Kravets A. F., Korenivski V. Influence of nanosize effect and non-magnetic dilution on interlayer exchange coupling in Fe–Cr/Cr nanostructures. - C. 898-903.
- Zamorskyi V. O., Lytvynenko Ya. M., Pogorily A. M., Tovstolytkin A. I., Solopan S. O., Belous A. G. Magnetic properties of Fe3O4/CoFe2O4 composite nanoparticles with core/shell architecture. - C. 904-911.
- Bar’yakhtar V. G., Danilevich A. G. Damping of magnetoelastic waves. - C. 912-918.
- Gorobets O., Gorobets Yu., Tiukavkina I., Gerasimenko R. Spin-polarized current-driven ferromagnetic domain wall motion with a skyrmion-like building block. - C. 919-923.
- Galkina E. G., Kireev V. E., Ovcharov R. V., Khymyn R. S., Ivanov B. A. Spin dynamics in antiferromagnets with domain walls and disclinations. - C. 924-938.
- Malyshev V. Yu., Zavislyak I. V., Melkov G. A., Popov M. O., Prokopenko O. V. Microwave magnon-plasmon-polaritons in the ferromagnetic metal–screened insulator structure. - C. 939-948.