Ukrainian journal of physics. 2020, 65 (12) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2020. Вип. 12 |
- Title.
- Content.
- Guryn A. A. Quantum-mechanical model of an electron with self-consistent electrostatic field. - C. 1043-1050.
- Ovechko V. S. Kramers–Kronig relations – supplementary technique to the time-domain spectroscopy. - C. 1051-1055.
- Lev B. I., Zagorodny A. G. Statistical description of non-equilibrium many-particle systems. - C. 1056-1079.
- Pylyuk I. V., Dobush O. A. Equation of state of a cell fluid model with allowance for Gaussian fluctuations of the order parameter. - C. 1080-1088.
- Dufanets M., Sklyarchuk V., Plevachuk Yu. Structure-sensitive properties of Cu-based binary subsystems of high-entropy Bi–Cu–Ga–Sn–Pb alloy. - C. 1089-1093.
- Heinz B., Wang Q., Verba R., Vasyuchka V. I., Kewenig M., Pirro P., Schneider M., Meyer T., Lägel B., Dubs C., Brächer T., Dobrovolskiy O. V., Chumak A. V. Temperature dependence of spin pinning and spin-wave dispersion in nanoscopic ferromagnetic waveguides. - C. 1094-1108.
- Borysiuk V. Mechanical properties of Tin+1AlCn nanolaminates: a molecular dynamics study. - C. 1109-1114.
- Author’s Index to the 65th Volume of "Ukrainian Journal of Physics” for 2020. - C. 1115-1124.
- Subject Index to the 65th Volume of "Ukrainian Journal of Physics” for 2020. - C. 1125-1130.