Ukrainian journal of physics. 2021, 66 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2021. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Borisyuk D., Kobushkin A. Two-photon exchange in elastic electron scattering on hadronic systems. - C. 3-27.
- Gubanov V. O., Naumenko A. P., Gryn D. V., Bulavin L. A. Quantum symmetry of the vibrational states and electronic π-orbitals in a benzene molecule C6H6. The fine structure of spin-dependent splitting. - C. 28-40.
- Sedletsky Yu. V. A fifth-order nonlinear Schrödinger equation for waves on the surface of finite-depth fluid. - C. 41-54.
- Klysko Yu. V., Syrotyuk S. V. Hybrid functional analysis of electronic properties of transition-metal phthalocyanines. - C. 55-61.
- Lysochenko S. V., Zharkikh Yu. S., Kukharenko O. G., Tretiak O. V. Hall study of conductive channels formed in germanium by beams of high-energy light ions. - C. 62-68.
- Vdovych A. S., Zachek I. R., Levitskii R. R. Influence of the stresses σ5 and σ6 and the electric field E1 on the thermodynamic parameters of GPI ferroelectric. - C. 69-78.
- Terentyeva Yu. G., Stepanenko Ye. Yu., Rashevska A. M., Koval P. Yu. High-temperature fluorescence of low- and high concentration aqueous ATP solutions. - C. 79-86.
- Anatoly Glibovych Zagorodny (to the 70th anniversary of his birth). - C. 87-90.
- Mykhailo Pavlovych Lisitsa (to the 100th anniversary of his birth). - C. 91-93.