Ukrainian journal of physics. 2021, 66 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2021. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Trushevsky A. A. Asymptotic behavior of boson Regge trajectories. - C. 97-104.
- Aygun M. Influence of deformed surface diffuseness on elastic scattering reactions involving actinide and lanthanide targets. - C. 105-111.
- Yeshchenko O. A., Pinchuk A. O. Thermo-optical effects in plasmonic metal nanostructures. - C. 112-140.
- Malinina A. A., Shuaibov A. K., Malinin A. N. Optical characteristics and plasma parameters of the gas-discharge radiator based on a mixture of cadmium diiodide vapor and helium. - C. 141-150.
- Bulavin L. A., Alieksandrov M. A., Misiura A. I., Pinchuk-Rugal’ T. M., Onanko A. P., Grabovskiy Yu. E., Dmytrenko O. P., Kulish M. P., Pavlenko O. L. Mechanisms of structural transformations in polyethylene nanocomposites with multi-walled carbon nanotubes. - C. 151-158.
- Pogodin A. I., Luchynets M. M., Filep M. Y., Kohutych A. A., Malakhovska T. O., Kokhan O. P., Sabov M. Yu., Studenyak I. P., Kúš P. Electrical conductivity and thermoelectrical parameters of argyrodite-type Cu7 – xPS6 – xIx mixed crystals. - C. 159-165.
- Ghule B., Laad M. Polymer composites with improved dielectric properties: A review. - C. 166-177.
- Scientific Achievements of the M.M. Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of the NAS of Ukraine (to the 55th anniversary of its foundation). - C. 178-182.