Ukrainian journal of physics. 2021, 66 (5) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2021. Вип. 5 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Kumar A. Thermodynamic mixing properties of Li–Mg binary alloy. - C. 369-372.
- Darchuk N. P., Vasileva I. V., Vasilev A. N. Vector model for the text style analysis. - C. 373-378.
- Dzyublik A. Ya. Consistent theory of alpha-decay. - C. 379-393.
- Sabirov L. M., Ismailov F. R., Karshibaev Sh. E., Kadirov S. A. Isothermal compressibility near the solution’s peculiar point. - C. 394-398.
- Kuryliuk V. V., Semchuk S. S., Kuryliuk A. M., Kogutyuk P. P. Thermal conductivity of Si nanowires with an amorphous SiO2 shell: A molecular dynamics study. - C. 399-405.
- Pop M. M., Studenyak V. I., Pogodin A. I., Kokhan O. P., Suslikov L. M., Studenyak I. P., Kúš P. Optical properties of cation-substituted (Cu1 – xAgx)7GeSe5I mixed crystal. - C. 406-411.
- Vdovych A. S. Longitudinal and transverse electrocaloric effects in glycinium phosphite ferroelectric. - C. 412-423.
- Slobodianiuk D. V. Excitation of ultrashort spin waves via Spin-Cherenkov effect in magnetic waveguides. - C. 424-428.
- Kostylyov V. P., Sachenko A. V., Vlasiuk V. M., Sokolovskyi I. O., Kobylianska S. D., Torchyniuk P. V., V’yunov O. I., Belous A. G. Synthesis and investigation of the properties of organic-inorganic perovskite films with non-contact methods. - C. 429-438.
- Dvornichenko A. V. Electromigration effects at epitaxial growth of thin films: Phase-field modeling. - C. 439-449.
- Uvarov V. N., Uvarov N. V., Melnik M. P. Electronic structure and magnetic properties of Heusler alloys MMnSb (M = Ni, Pd, Pt). - C. 450-455.
- Gennadii Mykhailovych Zinovjev (to the 80-th anniver-sary of his birth). - C. 456-458.