Journal of mechanical engineering. 2021, 24 (3) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Journal of mechanical engineering 2021. Вип. 3 |
- Title.
- Content.
- Matsevytyi Yu. M., Hanchyn V. V. The Solution of the Inverse Problem of Identifying the Thermal Conductivity Tensor in Anisotropic Materials. - C. 6-13.
- Vidian F., Peranginangin P. A., Yulianto M. Cycle-Tempo Simulation of Ultra-Micro Gas Turbine Fueled by Producer Gas Resulting from Leaf Waste Gasification. - C. 14-20.
- Subotin V. H., Burakov O. S., Iefymenko V. M., Starchenko A. Yu., Kovalov Yu. M., Rassovskyi V. L. Creation of Optimal Design of Runner Oil System of Kaplan Hydro-Turbines. - C. 21-26.
- Hontarovskyi P. P., Smetankina N. V., Ugrimov S. V., Garmash N. H., Melezhyk I. I. Numerical Investigations of the Crack Resistance of Ion-Strengthened Sheet Glass Under Bending Strains. - C. 27-34.
- Palkov S. A., Palkov I. A. Contact Interaction of Steam Turbine Inner Casing Elements During Plastic Deformation. - C. 34-44.
- Subotin V. H., Burakov O. S., Dushyn O. V., Iefymenko V. M., Korshunov O. O., Khoryev O. M. Analysis of Stress-Strain State and Contact Pressures on Surfaces of Kaplan Runner Blade Bearing Bronze Bushes. - C. 45-51.
- Fridman M. M. An Integrated Approach to the Optimization of Plates in Plane Stress State Operated at High Temperatures. - C. 52-60.
- Mir-Salim-zade M. V. Elastic-Plastic Problem for a Stringer Plate with a Circular Hole. - C. 61-69.
- Sheiko T. I., Maksymenko-Sheiko K. V. Mathematical and Computer Simulation of Hex Head Screws for Implementation on a 3D Printer. - C. 70-75.