Ukrainian journal of physics. 2021, 66 (9) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2021. Вип. 9 |
- Титул.
- Contents.
- Parnovsky S. L. Possible modification of the standard cosmological model to resolve a tension with Hubble constant values. - C. 739-744.
- Zavilopulo A. M., Demes S. S., Remeta E. Yu., Bulhakova A. I. Electron-impact ionization of the glutamic acid and glutamine molecules. - C. 745-760.
- Ayehu D., Chane A. The effect of superposition on the quantum features of the cavity radiation of a three-level laser. - C. 761-770.
- Haouam I. Two-dimensional Pauli equation in noncom-mutative phase-space. - C. 771-779.
- Saienko R. O., Saienko O. V., Svechnikova O. S. Adiabatic compressibility of aqueous solutions of polyols. - C. 780-784.
- Bulavin L. A., Zabashta Yu. F., Hnatiuk K. I. Deformation features in the cell when the coronavirus Enters it. - C. 785-791.
- Orlets’kyi I. G., Ilashchuk M. I., Maistruk E. V., Parkhomenko H. P., Maryanchuk P. D. Electrical properties and energy parameters of photosensitive n-Mn2O3/n-CdZnTe heterostructures. - C. 792-802.
- Ovodok E., Ivanovskaya M., Kotsikau D., Kormosh V., Pylyp P., Bilanych V. Structural characterization and Gas sensing properties of nano-sized tin dioxide material synthesized from Tin(II) sulfate. - C. 803-810.
- Bosin E., Drygach T. G., Russkin V. M. Mathematical Generalization of experimental results on the development of single twin layers in metal materials. - C. 811-818.
- Gutnyk M. V., Tverytnykova E. E. The professor G. De-Metz’s contribution to the development of physical science in Ukraine. - C. 819-829.