Ukrainian journal of physics. 2021, 66 (10) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2021. Вип. 10 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Arslanaliev A., Kostylenko Y., Shebeko O. A new family of interactions between clothed particles in QED. - C. 833-845.
- Nesterov A. V., Solokha-Klymchak M. Properties of hypernucleus in three-cluster microscopic models. - C. 846-856.
- Nesterov V. A., Davydovska O. I., Denisov V. Yu. Subbarrier-fusion and elastic-scattering cross-sections calculated on the basis of the nucleus-nucleus potential in the framework of the modified Thomas–Fermi method. - C. 857-864.
- Chechko V. E. Qualitative analysis of the clustering in water solutions of alcohols III. - C. 865-872.
- Grigoriev A. N., Kuzovkov Yu. G., Markov I. V., Bulavin L. A. Particle-shape effect on thermophysical properties of model liquid systems. Solutions of hard Spherocylinders. - C. 873-878.
- Kovalchuk V. I., Svechnikova O. S., Bulavin L. A. Multifractal analysis of cardiac series and predictors of sudden cardiac death. - C. 879-884.
- Pop M., Kranjčec M., Studenyak I. Optical parameters of As-deposited and annealed (Ga0.3In0.7)2Se3 thin films. - C. 885-889.
- Baran O. R. Energy flux effect in the one-dimensional spin-1/2 XX model of magnetoelectric. Lagrange multiplier method. - C. 890-907.
- Korotun A. V., Karandas Ya. V., Reva V. I., Titov I. M. Polarizability of two-layer metal-oxide nanowires. - C. 908-918.