Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. 2020, 92 (3) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian Biochemical Journal 2020. Вип. 3 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Chernyshenko V., Komisarenko S. Presenting thematic ‘Molecular and clinical studies of hemostasis' issue. - C. 5.
- Vari S. G. COVID-19 infection: disease mechanism, vascular dysfunction, immune responses, markers, multiorgan failure, treatments, and vaccination. - C. 6-21.
- Medved L., Yakovlev S. Structure and function of fibrinogen BβN-domains. - C. 22-32.
- Lugovskoi E., Pydiura N., Makogonenko Y., Urvant L., Gritsenko P., Kolesnikova I., Lugovska N., Komisarenko S. The fibrin Bβ125-135 site is involved in the lateral association of protofibrils. - C. 33-45.
- Kapustianenko L. G., Grinenko T. V., Rebriev A. V., Yusova O. I., Tykhomyrov A. A. Identification of the binding site for plasminogen kringle 5 in the α-chain of fibrin(ogen) D-fragment. - C. 46-57.
- Lugovska N. E., Kolesnikova I. M., Stohnii Ye. M., Chernyshenko V. O., Rebriev A. V., Kostiuchenko O. P., Gogolinska G .K., Dziubliuk N. A., Varbanets L. D., Platonova T. M. Novel monoclonal antibody to fibrin(ogen) αC-region for detection of the earliest forms of soluble fibrin. - C. 58-70.
- Mykhaloiko I. S., Dudar I. O., Mykhaloiko I. Ja. , Mykhaloiko O. Ja. D-dimer as a potential predictor of thromboembolic and cardiovascular complications in patients with chronic kidney disease. - C. 71-76.
- Panibratiuk O. A., Yakovleva O. А. Warfarin therapy in patients with coronary heart disease and atrial fibrillation: drug interactions and genetic sensitivity to warfarin. - C. 77-85.
- Chernyshenko V. O. Men of the molecules. - C. 86-90.
- Григор'єва М. В., Комісаренко С. В. 20 років тому завершилися "перегони" секвенування геному людини. - C. 91-92.
- Danylova T. V., Komisarenko S. V. Nobel prize winner Erwin Schrödinger: the physicist, philosopher, and godfather of molecular biology and genetics. - C. 93-100.
- До 70-річчя від дня народження члена-кореспондента НАН України, професора Ростислава Стефановича Стойки. - C. 101-102.