Science and innovation. 2023, 19 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Science and innovation 2023. Вип. 1 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Danylyshyn B. M. Ensuring Macroeconomic Stability under the Martial Law. - C. 3-19.
- Ishchuk S. О., Sozanskyy L. Yo., Kniaziev S. I. Problematic Issues of Localization-Based Development of Mechanical Engineering in Ukraine. - C. 20-35.
- Ivanov S. V., Sharanov R. S., Vatchenko O. B., Vatchenko B. S., Razumova H. V. Formation of Logit-Model for Predicting the Probability of Bankruptcy of Ukrainian Enterprises. - C. 36-48.
- Radchenko A. I., Prokopenko S. Ye. Book Culture in Publications of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: an Attempt of Qualimetry Assessment. - C. 49-62.
- Grinyo B. V., Cherginets V. L., Rebrova T. P., Ponomarenko T. V., Varich A. G., Taranyuk V. I., Rebrova N. V., Grippa O. Yu., Rebrov O. L. Technology for the Nondestructive Reprocessing of Sodium Iodide Technogenic Solutions into a Charge for Single Crystal Growth. - C. 63-70.
- Lobanov L. M., Chalaev D. M., Goncharov Р. V., Grabova Т. L., Pashchin M. O., Goncharovа О. М., Sydorenko V. V. Development of Equipment for Air Decontamination in the Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems of Public Buildings with the Use of the Photocatalysis and Plasmochemistry Methods. - C. 71-85.
- Laiko O. I., Ilchenko S. V., Maslii N. D., Demianchuk M. А. Scholarly Research and Applied Approach to the Interdependence of Manufacture and Transportation of Products Based on Intermodality and Multimodality. - C. 86-98.
- Hryhorovskyi P. Ye., Chukanova N. P., Kroshka Yu. V., Murasova O. V., Basanskyi V. O. Determination of Scope of Geodetic Survey During the Operation of Buildings and Structures Subject to Effects of Man-Caused Geodinamic Processes. - C. 99-108.
- Instructions for Authors. - C. 109-110.