Biotechnologia Acta. 2022, 15 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Biotechnologia Acta 2022. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Content.
- Oliinyk A. V., Farfolameeva D. O., Galkin A. Yu. Haracteristics of wound infections and methods of their treatment using preparations of biological origin. - C. 7-14.
- Kocatürk R. R, Temizyürek A., Rei̇s E., Tur S., Yilmaz Ş., Demi̇rkaya H., Özcan Ö., Karahan M. Use of ketogenic diet therapy in epilepsy with mitochondrial dysfunction: a systematic and critical review. - C. 15-36.
- Oliynyk Zh., Rudyk M., Kalachniuk L., Dovbynchuk T., Tolstanova G., Skivka L. Long-term effects of sham surgery on phagocyte functions in rats. - C. 37-46.
- Bekalа M. I., Horak I. R., Gudkova O. O., Latyshko N. V., Tokarchuk K. O., Geraschenko D. S., Shkoda M. O., Drobot L. B. Adaptor protein RUK/CIN85 is involved in the glucose metabolism reprogramming in breast cancer cells. - C. 47-48.
- Boichuk A. S., Voloshchuk O. M. Activity of AMP deaminase and 5-nucleotidase in the cytosolic kidney fraction of rats under the conditions of different protein and sucrose content in a diet. - C. 49-50.
- Didkivskyi V. A., Pavlenko A. O., Marunych R. Y., Selikhova A. O., Cherenok S. O., Todosiuk T. P., Shevchenko S. M. HPLC detection of antithrombitic calix|4|arene in blood plasma of animals. - C. 51-52.
- Gavrylyak I. V., Bilous V. L., Korsa V. V., Greben N. K. Protein markers of hypoxia and angiogenesis in tear fluid of patients with traumatic corneal injury. - C. 53-55.
- Iskandarov E., Zinenko O., Tupikov A., Pitishkina A., Platonov O., Gryshchuk V., Kucheriavyi Y., Stohnii Y. Action of venom of Vipera snake of Ukraine on blood coagulation in vitro. - C. 56-57.
- Korshun R. S., Hudkova O. O., Latyshko N. V., Kishko T. O., Horak I. R., Drobot L. B. Adaptor protein Ruk/CIN85 participates in the metabolic control of human breast adenocarcinoma MCF-7 cells. - C. 58-59.
- Kucheriavyi Y., Hrabovskyi O., Rebriev A. V., Stohnii Y. Limited proteolysis of fibrinogen aC-region reveals its structure. - C. 60-61.
- Mykytenko A. O., Akimov O. Y., Neporada K. S. Influence of systemic inflammatory response syndrome on the development of oxidative stress during simulation of chronic alcohol intoxication in rats. - C. 62-63.
- Raynich Y., Katernat. D. S, Gerashenko D. S., Khudiakova O. V., Garmanchuk L. V., Drobot L. B. The acquisition of resistance in human non-small lung adenocarcinoma MOR cells is associated with UP-regulation of adaptor protein Ruk/CIN85 and epithelial-tomesenchymal transition (EMT). - C. 64-65.
- Romanenko K. S., Horid’ko T. M. Effect of N-stearoylethanolamine on the lipid composition of the frontal cortex and hippocampus of the rat’s brain at the aging. - C. 66-67.
- Rudnytska O., Kulish Y., Trufanova D., Minchenko O. Graphene oxide affect the expression of proliferation related genes and microRNA in normal human astrocytes. - C. 68-69.
- Sliusar M., Shatokhina H., Cherednychenko A., Minchenko O. Glutamine deprivation affects the expression of genes which control pyruvate dehydrogenase activity: the impact of ERN1 knockdown. - C. 70-71.
- Viletska Y., Minchenko D., Luzina O., Ratushna O. Molecular basis of the development of insulin resistance in obese adolescent and adult men. - C. 72-73.
- Zhuravel B. V., Geraschenkо O. L., Tokarchuk K. O., Horak I. R., Drobot L. B. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition in melanoma progression: the contribution of adaptor protein RUK/CIN85. - C. 74-75.