Ukrainian journal of physics. 2024, 69 (3) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2024. Вип. 3 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Zelensky S. E., Kolesnik O. S., Yashchuk V. P. Kinetics of laser-induced thermal emission of porous carbon materials: Dependence on laser wavelength. - C. 143-148.
- Carmel Vigila Bai G. M., Abisha R. Possible 2p decay emission in the region 4 ≤ Z ≤ 54 using the modified CYE model. - C. 149-157.
- Carmel Vigila Bai G. M., Ajithra V. S. Predictions for the alpha decay of Z = 127–138 super Heavy Nuclei using the CYE model. - C. 158-167.
- Vakhnenko O. O., Vakhnenko V. O. Development and analysis of novel integrable nonlinear dynamical systems on quasi-one-dimensional lattices. Two-component nonlinear system with the on-site and spatially distributed inertial mass parameters. - C. 168-178.
- Bulavin L. A., Rudnikov Ye. G., Samoilenko S. O. Phase diagrams of water isotopologues and noble substances. - C. 179-189.
- Nevoit G., Bumblyte I. A., Korpan A., Minser O., Potyazhenko M., Iliev M. T., Vainoras A., Ignatov I. The biophoton emission in biotechnological and chemical research: from meta-epistemology and meaning to experiment. Part 1. - C. 190-206.
- Kovalchuk V. I., Zabashta Yu. F., Bulavin L. A. Features of gelation and aggregation in aqueous solutions of hydroxypropyl cellulose with NaCl, NaI, and AgNO3 salts. - C. 207-213.
- Brodin M. S., Zagorodny A. G., Lev B. I., Naumovets A. G., Bryzhyk L. S., Zasenko V. I., Zolotaryuk O. V., Kukhtin V. V. Ivan Petrovych Dzyub (to the 90th anniversary of his birth). - C. 214-219.