Ukrainian journal of physics. 2024, 69 (10) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2024. Вип. 10 |
- Title.
- Content.
- Potiienko O. S., Sharph I. V., Chudak N. O., Zelentsova T. M., Neboga G. G., Merkotan K. K. Three-particle fields as a method to describe baryons in scattering processes. - C. 695-711.
- Carmel Vigila Bai G. M., Ajithra V. S. Study of cluster decays including those leading to doubly magic nucleus 298114 and branching ratios relative to alpha decay. - C. 712-718.
- Otete I., Enaroseha O. O. E., Okunzuwa S. I., Ejere A. I. I. Spectra and thermodynamic properties of zig-zag single – walled carbon nanotube with Deng–Fan–Hulthen potential. - C. 719-731.
- Lisnyi D. M. Distorted diamond Ising–Hubbard chain in the special limit of infinite on-site repulsion. - C. 732-741.
- Jumabaev A., Hushvaktov H., Absanov A., Khudaykulov B., Ernazarov Z., Bulavin L. Vibrational spectra and computational study of amyl acetate: MEP, AIM, RDG, NCI, ELF and LOL analysis. - C. 742-753.
- Ismayilova N. A., Jabarov S. H., Guliyev J. A. Semi-metal ferromagnetism V-doped GaN nanosheet application in spintronic device. - C. 754-758.
- Tsivilitsin V. Yu., Goncharuk V. A., Goncharova I. V., Iefimov M. O. Change in the magnetic spring design and its influence on the spring force characteristics. - C. 759-762.