Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. 2021, 93 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian Biochemical Journal 2021. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Zaloilo I., Rud Y., Zaloilo О., Buchatskyi L. Coronavirus viroporins: structure and function. - C. 5-17.
- Meftahi G. H., Bahari Z., Jangravi Z., Iman M. A vicious circle between oxidative stress and cytokine storm in acute respiratory distress syndrome pathogenesis at COVID-19 infection. - C. 18-29.
- Kirana A. N., Prafiantini E., Hardiany N. S. Protein intake and loss of proteostasis in the eldery. - C. 30-39.
- Sultanova A. S., Bespalova O. Ya., Galkin O. Yu. Stromal-vascular fraction of adipose tissue as an alternative source of cellular material for regenerative medicine. - C. 40-50.
- Ragy M. M., Ramzy M. M. Leptin and curcumin affect renal ischemia-reperfusion injury via modulation of P65 and Bax genes expression. - C. 51-58.
- Gholami M., Harchegani A. B., Saeedian S., Owrang M., Parvizi M. R. Effect of N-acetyl cysteine on oxidative stress and Bax and Bcl2 expression in the kidney tissue of rats exposed to lead. - C. 59-67.
- Grabovskyi S. S., Panchuk R. R., Skorokhyd N. R., Stoika R. S. Male and female rats differ in homeostatic shifts during pre-slaughter fear stress. - C. 68-74.
- Smirnov O. E., Kosyan A. M., Pryimak Yu. V., Kosyk O. I., Taran N. Yu. Organo-specific accumulation of phenolic compounds in a buckwheat seedlings under aluminium-acid stress. - C. 75-81.
- Avsar O. MicroRNAs hsa-mir-34a and hsa-mir-124 as biomarkers for predicting and monitoring the lithium treatment in bipolar disorder: in silico analysis. - C. 82-87.
- Skachkova O. V., Gorbach O. I., Inomistova M. V., Garmanchuk L. V., Khranovska N. M. Comparative characteristic of lung cancer stem-like cells generated in vitro under different culture conditions. - C. 88-95.
- Harasym N. P., Booklyv M. Y., Zyn A. R., Mandzynets S. M., Bezkorovainy A. O., Sanahursky D. I. Quercetin and histamine effects on free radical reactions in rat erythrocytes. - C. 96-103.
- Ostapiv D. D., Kuz’mina N. V., Kozak М. R., Hu Shan, Vlizlo V. V., Kotsiumbas I. Ya., Varvarenko S. M., Samaryk V. Ya., Nosova N. G., Yakoviv M. V. Application of fluorescein copolymer to improve the efficiency of counter-immunoelectrophoresis for diagnostics of animal infectious diseases. - C. 104-112.
- Komisarenko S. V., Romaniuk S. I. Prospects of genome editing using CRISPR/CAS or how to master genetic scissors. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2020. - C. 113-128.
- Матишевська О. П., Данилова В. М., Комісаренко С. В. Відкриття механізмів біологічного синтезу нуклеїнових кислот: нобелівські лауреати 1959 р. С. Очоа і А. Корнберг. - C. 129-138.