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Cybernetics and Systems Analysis
А - 2019 /
Issue (2012, Т. 48, № 2)
Левин В. И.
Синтез логических многополюсников с заданной динамикой выходных процессов
The problem of the synthesis of a dynamic process of prescribed form at the output of some logical (n, 1)-pole device is formulated, for the given dependence <$E b~=~ f ( a sub 1 , ~...,~a sub n )> of switching of the output signal on moments <$E a sub 1 , ~...,~a sub n > of switching of input signals, f is a continuous-logic function. A regular procedure is proposed to solve the problem by constructing an (n, 1)-pole device that implements the required dependence f. The solutions for all the possible typical cases and the solution algorithm for the general case are given.
Бібліографічний опис:
Левин В. И. Синтез логических многополюсников с заданной динамикой выходных процессов. Кибернетика и системный анализ. 2012. Т. 48, № 2. С. 167-176. URL: http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000232257