Optimal Labelling Problems, their Relaxation and Equivalent Transformations / Schlesinger, M., Antoniuk, K., Vodolazskii, Ye. (2011)
web address of the page http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000306613 Control Systems and Computers Б - 2020 / Issue (2011, № 2)
Schlesinger M., Antoniuk K., Vodolazskii Ye. Optimal Labelling Problems, their Relaxation and Equivalent Transformations
Cite: Schlesinger, M., Antoniuk, K., Vodolazskii, Ye. (2011). Optimal Labelling Problems, their Relaxation and Equivalent Transformations. Control Systems and Computers, 2, 55-70. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000306613 |