Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine / Issue (2012, 9)
Zhuk O. P., Kubenko V. D., Zhuk Ya. O. Pro radiatsiinu sylu ploskoi akustychnoi khvyli, iaka diie na tverde sferychne tilo v zapovnenii ridynoiu tsylindrychnii porozhnyni
Cite: Zhuk, O. P., Kubenko, V. D., Zhuk, Ya. O. (2012). Pro radiatsiinu sylu ploskoi akustychnoi khvyli, iaka diie na tverde sferychne tilo v zapovnenii ridynoiu tsylindrychnii porozhnyni. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine , 9, 48-54 [In Ukrainian]. |