Fault-block model and tide trigger mechanism of a seismic process (seismic activity of the Crimea by example) / Dovbnich, M. M., Soldatenko, V. P. (2010)
| Geophysical journal / Issue (2010, 32 (2))
Dovbnich M. M., Soldatenko V. P. Fault-block model and tide trigger mechanism of a seismic process (seismic activity of the Crimea by example)
Cite: Dovbnich, M. M., Soldatenko, V. P. (2010). Fault-block model and tide trigger mechanism of a seismic process (seismic activity of the Crimea by example). Geophysical journal, 32 (2), 140-146. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000395716 [In Russian]. |