Induction vector and horizontal tensor components variations before the Tohoku earthquake on the 11th March 2011 according to the data of Japanese geomagnetic observatories / Rokitjanskij, I. I., Tregubenko, V. I., Babak, V. I., Tereshin, A. V. (2013)
| Geophysical journal / Issue (2013, 35 (3))
Rokitjanskij I. I., Tregubenko V. I., Babak V. I., Tereshin A. V. Induction vector and horizontal tensor components variations before the Tohoku earthquake on the 11th March 2011 according to the data of Japanese geomagnetic observatories
Cite: Rokitjanskij, I. I., Tregubenko, V. I., Babak, V. I., Tereshin, A. V. (2013). Induction vector and horizontal tensor components variations before the Tohoku earthquake on the 11th March 2011 according to the data of Japanese geomagnetic observatories. Geophysical journal, 35 (3), 115-130. [In Russian]. |