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| Biotechnologia Acta / Issue (2014, 7 (1))
Levytskyi Ye. L. Retsenziia na monohrafiiu chlen.-kor. NAN Ukrainy V. A. Kunakha "Mobilni henetychni elementy i plastychnist henomu roslyn" (K.: Lohos, 2013. — 298 s.: il.)
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| Mathematical modelling in economy / Issue (2015, 2)
Burkov S. M., Polumienko S. K., Savin S. Z. Mathematical modeling of the regional network of the Internet economy
Cite: Burkov, S. M., Polumienko, S. K., Savin, S. Z. (2015). Mathematical modeling of the regional network of the Internet economy. Mathematical modelling in economy, 2, 15-27. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000428765 [In Russian]. |