Disturbances of lower ionosphere above center of earthquake and anomaly in the global electromagnetic resonance signal. Part 1. Models of ionosphere / Nikolaenko, A. P., Khajakava, M. (2015)
| Radiophysics and Electronics / Issue (2015, 6(20) (1))
Nikolaenko A. P., Khajakava M. Disturbances of lower ionosphere above center of earthquake and anomaly in the global electromagnetic resonance signal. Part 1. Models of ionosphere
Cite: Nikolaenko, A. P., Khajakava, M. (2015). Disturbances of lower ionosphere above center of earthquake and anomaly in the global electromagnetic resonance signal. Part 1. Models of ionosphere. Radiophysics and Electronics, 6(20) (1), 32-39. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000431242 [In Russian]. |