Return to the future (review of monograph V.P. Horbulin, O.S. Vlasyuk, E.M. Libanova, O.M. Liashenko (Eds.) "Donbass and the Crimea: the value of return") / Bersheda, Ye. R. (2016)
| Visnyk of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine / Issue (2016, 2)
Bersheda Ye. R. Return to the future (review of monograph V.P. Horbulin, O.S. Vlasyuk, E.M. Libanova, O.M. Liashenko (Eds.) "Donbass and the Crimea: the value of return")
Cite: Bersheda, Ye. R. (2016). Return to the future (review of monograph V.P. Horbulin, O.S. Vlasyuk, E.M. Libanova, O.M. Liashenko (Eds.) "Donbass and the Crimea: the value of return"). Visnyk of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2, 107-109. [In Ukrainian]. |