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Plant Varieties Studying and Protection
Б - 2019 /
Issue (2016, № 3)
Bentivenga G., Camerini M., Belocchi A., Fornara M., Melloni S., Spina A., Quaranta F.
Agronomic evaluation of Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) resistance in Italian durum wheat cultivars and screening of advanced lines MAS selected for FHB resistance
Бібліографічний опис:
Bentivenga G., Camerini M., Belocchi A., Fornara M., Melloni S., Spina A., Quaranta F. Agronomic evaluation of Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) resistance in Italian durum wheat cultivars and screening of advanced lines MAS selected for FHB resistance. Сортовивчення та охорона прав на сорти рослин. 2016. № 3. С. 30-41. URL: http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000552127