Effect of natural and various artificial hypometabolism on activity of protease –protease inhibitor system in hamsters and rats / Lomako, V. V., Samokhina, L. M., Shylo, O. V. (2011)
| Problems of cryobiology and cryomedicine / Issue (2011, 21 (3))
Lomako V. V., Samokhina L. M., Shylo O. V. Effect of natural and various artificial hypometabolism on activity of protease –protease inhibitor system in hamsters and rats
Cite: Lomako, V. V., Samokhina, L. M., Shylo, O. V. (2011). Effect of natural and various artificial hypometabolism on activity of protease –protease inhibitor system in hamsters and rats. Problems of cryobiology and cryomedicine, 21 (3), 280-290. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000556415 [In Ukrainian]. |