The influence of scale inhibitor on the phase composition, morphology and sedimentation properties of the CaCO3 precipitation / Obraztsov, V. B., Rublova, Ye. D., Baskevych, O. S. (2015)
| Materials Science (Physicochemical mechanics of materials) / Issue (2015, 51 (5))
Obraztsov V. B., Rublova Ye. D., Baskevych O. S. The influence of scale inhibitor on the phase composition, morphology and sedimentation properties of the CaCO3 precipitation
Cite: Obraztsov, V. B., Rublova, Ye. D., Baskevych, O. S. (2015). The influence of scale inhibitor on the phase composition, morphology and sedimentation properties of the CaCO3 precipitation. Materials Science (Physicochemical mechanics of materials), 51 (5), 56-61. []. |