Mathematical model of noise interference for information protection against leakage by technical channels / Ivanchenko. (2017)

English  Cybernetics and Systems Analysis   /     Issue (2017, 53 (2))

Ivanchenko S.A.
Mathematical model of noise interference for information protection against leakage by technical channels

The author substantiates the mathematical model of noise interference that takes into account statistical relation of readout samples for secure information protection against software leakage by technical channels. The model amends the mathematical expectation and root-mean-square deviation, which shifts the midpoint of noise interference and determines its effective capacity. © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media New York.

Keywords: information leakage, mathematical model, noise, noise interference, secure information protection, technical channels of leakage, Cybernetics, Mathematical models, Effective capacity, Information leakage, Information protection, Mathematical expectation, noise, Noise interference, Root mean square deviations, Statistical relations, Computer science

Ivanchenko S.A. (2017). Mathematical model of noise interference for information protection against leakage by technical channels. Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 53 (2), 74-82. doi: [In Russian].


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