Novel sp3 forms of carbon predicted by evolutionary metadynamics and analysis of their synthesizability using transition path sampling / Boulfelfel, S. E., Zhu, Q., Oganov, A. R. (2012)
web address of the page Superhard Materials А - 2019 / Issue (2012, № 6)
Boulfelfel S. E., Zhu Q., Oganov A. R. Novel sp3 forms of carbon predicted by evolutionary metadynamics and analysis of their synthesizability using transition path sampling
Cite: Boulfelfel, S. E., Zhu, Q., Oganov, A. R. (2012). Novel sp3 forms of carbon predicted by evolutionary metadynamics and analysis of their synthesizability using transition path sampling. Superhard Materials, 6, 12-24. | Microstructure of He II in the presence of boundaries / Tomchenko, M. D. (2014)