Modeling the process of removal aimed at cut traces on semiconductor wafers by using the method of contactless chemical-and-dynamical polishing / Pashchenko, G. A., Kravetskyi, M. Yu., Fomin, A. V. (2015)
web address of the page Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics А - 2019 / Issue (2015, Vol. 18, № 3)
Pashchenko G. A., Kravetskyi M. Yu., Fomin A. V. Modeling the process of removal aimed at cut traces on semiconductor wafers by using the method of contactless chemical-and-dynamical polishing
Cite: Pashchenko, G. A., Kravetskyi, M. Yu., Fomin, A. V. (2015). Modeling the process of removal aimed at cut traces on semiconductor wafers by using the method of contactless chemical-and-dynamical polishing. Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics , 18 (3), 330-333. |