Nature and kinetics of nonstationary light absorption in C60 films induced by femtosecond laser pulses / Horishnyi, M. P., Pavlov, I. A., Kovalchuk, O. V. (2012)
| Ukrainian Journal of Physics / Issue (2012, 57 (11))
Horishnyi M. P., Pavlov I. A., Kovalchuk O. V. Nature and kinetics of nonstationary light absorption in C60 films induced by femtosecond laser pulses
Cite: Horishnyi, M. P., Pavlov, I. A., Kovalchuk, O. V. (2012). Nature and kinetics of nonstationary light absorption in C60 films induced by femtosecond laser pulses. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 57 (11), 1110-1118. [In Ukrainian]. | Nature and kinetics of non-stationary light absorption induced by femtosecond laser pulses in lead phthalocyanine and chloro-aluminum-chloro-phthalocyanine films / Horishnyi, M. P. (2013)
| Ukrainian Journal of Physics / Issue (2013, 58 (4))
Horishnyi M. P. Nature and kinetics of non-stationary light absorption induced by femtosecond laser pulses in lead phthalocyanine and chloro-aluminum-chloro-phthalocyanine films
Cite: Horishnyi, M. P. (2013). Nature and kinetics of non-stationary light absorption induced by femtosecond laser pulses in lead phthalocyanine and chloro-aluminum-chloro-phthalocyanine films. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 58 (4), 318-325. [In Ukrainian]. | До питання вивчення многоліття / Сахарчук Р. (2016)
| Ukrainian art studies: materials, research, recencies / Issue (2016, 16)
Sakharchuk R. Do pytannia vyvchennia mnoholittia
Cite: Sakharchuk, R. (2016). Do pytannia vyvchennia mnoholittia. Ukrainian art studies: materials, research, recencies, 16, 74-81 [In Ukrainian]. |