Low-Waste Purification Processes of Wastewater From Sulfates and Chlorides / Trus, I. N., Grabitchenko, V. N., Gomelja, N. D. (2014)
| Energy Technologies and Resource Saving / Issue (2014, 4)
Trus I. N., Grabitchenko V. N., Gomelja N. D. Low-Waste Purification Processes of Wastewater From Sulfates and Chlorides
Cite: Trus, I. N., Grabitchenko, V. N., Gomelja, N. D. (2014). Low-Waste Purification Processes of Wastewater From Sulfates and Chlorides. Energy Technologies and Resource Saving, 4, 42-48. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000727282 [In Russian]. |