Ivan Yuriyovych Krivsky (to the 80-th an-niversary of his birthday) / Symulyk, V. M. (2013)
| Ukrainian Journal of Physics / Issue (2013, 58 (3))
Symulyk V. M. Ivan Yuriyovych Krivsky (to the 80-th an-niversary of his birthday)
Cite: Symulyk, V. M. (2013). Ivan Yuriyovych Krivsky (to the 80-th an-niversary of his birthday). Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 58 (3), 301-303. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000725458 [In Ukrainian]. | Optimization of the Maintenance Departments Distribution for Gas Pipeline Servicing / Ostapjuk, I. I. (2013)
| Energy Technologies and Resource Saving / Issue (2013, 3)
Ostapjuk I. I. Optimization of the Maintenance Departments Distribution for Gas Pipeline Servicing
Cite: Ostapjuk, I. I. (2013). Optimization of the Maintenance Departments Distribution for Gas Pipeline Servicing. Energy Technologies and Resource Saving, 3, 66-71. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000727413 [In Russian]. |