The properties of 3 nm-sized detonation diamond from the point of view of colloid science / Mchedlov-Petrossyan, N. O., Kamneva, N. N., Kryshtal, A. P., Marynin, A. I., Zakharevich, V. B., Tkachenko, V. V. (2015)
web address of the page Ukrainian Journal of Physics А - 2018 / Issue (2015, Т. 60, № 9)
Mchedlov-Petrossyan N. O., Kamneva N. N., Kryshtal A. P., Marynin A. I., Zakharevich V. B., Tkachenko V. V. The properties of 3 nm-sized detonation diamond from the point of view of colloid science
Cite: Mchedlov-Petrossyan, N. O., Kamneva, N. N., Kryshtal, A. P., Marynin, A. I., Zakharevich, V. B., Tkachenko, V. V. (2015). The properties of 3 nm-sized detonation diamond from the point of view of colloid science. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 60 (9), 936-941. |