Variations of the response functions at geomagnetic observatories Odesa and Iznik in 2011 / Terjoshin, A. V., Savchenko, T. S., Babak, V. I. (2013)
| Geodynamics / Issue (2013, 2)
Terjoshin A. V., Savchenko T. S., Babak V. I. Variations of the response functions at geomagnetic observatories Odesa and Iznik in 2011
Cite: Terjoshin, A. V., Savchenko, T. S., Babak, V. I. (2013). Variations of the response functions at geomagnetic observatories Odesa and Iznik in 2011. Geodynamics, 2, 341-343. [In Russian]. |