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А - 2019 /
Issue (2014, Т. 48, № 2)
Maslov S. I.
A Redescription of Pontoppidaniapontica (Acari, Astigmati- na, Acaridae) Inhabiting Algal Debris on Seashores of Black and Azov Seas of Crimea, Ukraine
Maslov, S. I. (2014). A Redescription of Pontoppidaniapontica (Acari, Astigmati- na, Acaridae) Inhabiting Algal Debris on Seashores of Black and Azov Seas of Crimea, Ukraine. Zoodiversity , 48 (2), 167-172. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000794097