Crystal structure of layer niobatozirconate Sr6Nb4ZrO18 / Titov, Yu. O., Biliavyna, N. M., Slobodianyk, M. S., Polubinskyi, V. V., Chumak, V. V. (2016)
| Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine / Issue (2016, 4)
Titov Yu. O., Biliavyna N. M., Slobodianyk M. S., Polubinskyi V. V., Chumak V. V. Crystal structure of layer niobatozirconate Sr6Nb4ZrO18
Cite: Titov, Yu. O., Biliavyna, N. M., Slobodianyk, M. S., Polubinskyi, V. V., Chumak, V. V. (2016). Crystal structure of layer niobatozirconate Sr6Nb4ZrO18. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine , 4, 92-98. [In Ukrainian]. |