Chauda deposits of the Black Sea shelf of Bulgaria / Inozemtsev, Ju. I., Dimitrov, P. S., Lutsiv, Ja. K., Paryshev, A. A. (2017)
| Geology and Mineral Resources of World Ocean / Issue (2017, 3)
Inozemtsev Ju. I., Dimitrov P. S., Lutsiv Ja. K., Paryshev A. A. Chauda deposits of the Black Sea shelf of Bulgaria
Cite: Inozemtsev, Ju. I., Dimitrov, P. S., Lutsiv, Ja. K., Paryshev, A. A. (2017). Chauda deposits of the Black Sea shelf of Bulgaria. Geology and Mineral Resources of World Ocean, 3, 45-61. [In Russian]. |