Quartz forming conditions in secant veins in granodiorites of the Andean intrusive complex of the Barchans Islands (Argentine Islands, West Antarctic) / Naumko, I. M., Artemenko, G. V., Bakhmutov, V. G., Vovk, O. P., Telepko, L. F., Sakhno, B. E. (2018)
web address of the page http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000878481 Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Б - 2019 / Issue (2018, № 4)
Naumko I. М., Artemenko G. V., Bakhmutov V. G., Vovk O. P., Telepko L. F., Sakhno B. E. Quartz forming conditions in secant veins in granodiorites of the Andean intrusive complex of the Barchans Islands (Аrgentine Islands, West Antarctic)
Cite: Naumko, I. M., Artemenko, G. V., Bakhmutov, V. G., Vovk, O. P., Telepko, L. F., Sakhno, B. E. (2018). Quartz forming conditions in secant veins in granodiorites of the Andean intrusive complex of the Barchans Islands (Argentine Islands, West Antarctic). Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine , 4, 74-80. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000878481 |