Structural position and structure pecularities of the Mountain Karabetov mud volcano / Tveritinova, T. Ju., Sobisevich, A. L., Sobisevich, L. E., Likhodeev, D. V. (2015)
| Geology and Mineral Resources of World Ocean / Issue (2015, 2)
Tveritinova T. Ju., Sobisevich A. L., Sobisevich L. E., Likhodeev D. V. Structural position and structure pecularities of the Mountain Karabetov mud volcano
Cite: Tveritinova, T. Ju., Sobisevich, A. L., Sobisevich, L. E., Likhodeev, D. V. (2015). Structural position and structure pecularities of the Mountain Karabetov mud volcano. Geology and Mineral Resources of World Ocean, 2, 106-122. [In Russian]. |