Intron length polymorphism of actin genes as an efficient tool for the genetic profiling of selected cereals from the grass (Poaceae L.) family / Postovoitova, A. S., Pirko, Ya. V., Blium, Ya. B. (2019)
| Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine / Issue (2019, 2)
Postovoitova A. S., Pirko Ya. V., Blium Ya. B. Intron length polymorphism of actin genes as an efficient tool for the genetic profiling of selected cereals from the grass (Poaceae L.) family
Cite: Postovoitova, A. S., Pirko, Ya. V., Blium, Ya. B. (2019). Intron length polymorphism of actin genes as an efficient tool for the genetic profiling of selected cereals from the grass (Poaceae L.) family. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine , 2, 78-83. [In Ukrainian]. |