Digital tourism as a key factor in the development of the economy / Watkins, M., Ziyadin, S., Imatayeva, A., Kurmangalieva, A., Blembayeva, A. (2018)
web address of the page Economic annals-XXI В - 2015 / Issue (2018, № 169)
Watkins M., Ziyadin S., Imatayeva A., Kurmangalieva A., Blembayeva A. Digital tourism as a key factor in the development of the economy
Cite: Watkins, M., Ziyadin, S., Imatayeva, A., Kurmangalieva, A., Blembayeva, A. (2018). Digital tourism as a key factor in the development of the economy. Economic annals-XXI, 169, 40-45. |