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The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal
А - 2019 /
Issue (2018, Vol. 90, № 6)
Aminizadeh S., Masoumi-Ardakani Y., Shahouzehi B.
The effects of PDK4 inhibition on AMPK protein levels and PGC-1α gene expression following endurance training in skeletal muscle of Wistar rats
Aminizadeh, S., Masoumi-Ardakani, Y., Shahouzehi, B. (2018). The effects of PDK4 inhibition on AMPK protein levels and PGC-1α gene expression following endurance training in skeletal muscle of Wistar rats. The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal , 90 (6), 89-96. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000999005