Magnon Bose–Einstein condensate and supercurrents over a wide temperature range / Mihalceanu, L., Bozhko, D. A., Vasyuchka, V. I., Serga, A. A., Hillebrands, B., Pomyalov, A., Lvov, V. S., Tyberkevych, V. S. (2019)
web address of the page Ukrainian Journal of Physics А - 2018 / Issue (2019, Т. 64, № 10)
Mihalceanu L., Bozhko D. A., Vasyuchka V. I., Serga A. A., Hillebrands B., Pomyalov A., L'vov V. S., Tyberkevych V. S. Magnon Bose–Einstein condensate and supercurrents over a wide temperature range
Cite: Mihalceanu, L., Bozhko, D. A., Vasyuchka, V. I., Serga, A. A., Hillebrands, B., Pomyalov, A., Lvov, V. S., Tyberkevych, V. S. (2019). Magnon Bose–Einstein condensate and supercurrents over a wide temperature range. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 64 (10), 919-924. |