Electromagnetic studies of the western part of the Ukrainian Shield / Nikolaiev, I. Yu., Kushnir, A. M., Ilienko, V. A., Nikolaiev, Yu. I. (2019)
| Geophysical journal / Issue (2019, 41 (3))
Nikolaiev I. Yu., Kushnir A. M., Ilienko V. A., Nikolaiev Yu. I. Electromagnetic studies of the western part of the Ukrainian Shield
Cite: Nikolaiev, I. Yu., Kushnir, A. M., Ilienko, V. A., Nikolaiev, Yu. I. (2019). Electromagnetic studies of the western part of the Ukrainian Shield. Geophysical journal, 41 (3), 120-133. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001085186 [In Ukrainian]. |