Determination of areas of gas methane accumulation in carbon-mass massives by transient electromagnetic sounding method (on the example of the San Juan coal basin, USA) / Skopychenko, I. M., Finchuk, V. V., Verhelska, N. V. (2018)
| Geophysical journal / Issue (2018, 40 (3))
Skopychenko I. M., Finchuk V. V., Verhelska N. V. Determination of areas of gas methane accumulation in carbon-mass massives by transient electromagnetic sounding method (on the example of the San Juan coal basin, USA)
Cite: Skopychenko, I. M., Finchuk, V. V., Verhelska, N. V. (2018). Determination of areas of gas methane accumulation in carbon-mass massives by transient electromagnetic sounding method (on the example of the San Juan coal basin, USA). Geophysical journal, 40 (3), 192-198. [In Ukrainian]. |