Zones of decompaction of the Earth crust of the central part of the Ukrainian Shield (according to materials of petrophysical and seismigravitational modeling) / Korchin, V. A., Burtnyj, P. A., Kobolev, V. P. (2016)
| Geophysical journal / Issue (2016, 38 (3))
Korchin V. A., Burtnyj P. A., Kobolev V. P. Zones of decompaction of the Earth crust of the central part of the Ukrainian Shield (according to materials of petrophysical and seismigravitational modeling)
Cite: Korchin, V. A., Burtnyj, P. A., Kobolev, V. P. (2016). Zones of decompaction of the Earth crust of the central part of the Ukrainian Shield (according to materials of petrophysical and seismigravitational modeling). Geophysical journal, 38 (3), 84-99. [In Russian]. |