"Studies on the organization of the Lviv Stauropegic from late 16th until the first half of the 17th century" - historical-ecclesiastical research by Theodore Sribny / Pedych, V. P., Telvak, V. V., Telvak, V. P. (2016)
| History of Religions in Ukraine / Issue (2016, 1)
Pedych V. P., Telvak V. V., Telvak V. P. "Studies on the organization of the Lviv Stauropegic from late 16th until the first half of the 17th century" - historical-ecclesiastical research by Theodore Sribny
Cite: Pedych, V. P., Telvak, V. V., Telvak, V. P. (2016). "Studies on the organization of the Lviv Stauropegic from late 16th until the first half of the 17th century" - historical-ecclesiastical research by Theodore Sribny. History of Religions in Ukraine, 1, 148-160. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001095600 [In Ukrainian]. |