Statistical theory of catalytic hydrogen oxidation processes. Basic equations / Kostrobij, P. P., Markovych, B. M., Ryzha, I. A., Tokarchuk, M. V. (2021)
web address of the page Mathematical Modeling and Computing А - 2020 / Issue (2021, Vol. 8, Num. 2)
Kostrobij P. P., Markovych B. M., Ryzha I. A., Tokarchuk M. V. Statistical theory of catalytic hydrogen oxidation processes. Basic equations
Cite: Kostrobij, P. P., Markovych, B. M., Ryzha, I. A., Tokarchuk, M. V. (2021). Statistical theory of catalytic hydrogen oxidation processes. Basic equations. Mathematical Modeling and Computing, 8 (2), 267-281. |