The RCuIn1–xGax (R = La, Ce) systems at 870 K / Zaremba, N., Nychyporuk, H., Horiacha, M., Zaremba, V. (2021)
| Proceedings of the Shevchenko Scientific Society : Shemical Sciences / Issue (2021, 67)
Zaremba N., Nychyporuk H., Horiacha M., Zaremba V. The RCuIn1–xGax (R = La, Ce) systems at 870 K
Cite: Zaremba, N., Nychyporuk, H., Horiacha, M., Zaremba, V. (2021). The RCuIn1–xGax (R = La, Ce) systems at 870 K. Proceedings of the Shevchenko Scientific Society : Shemical Sciences, 67, 117-124. [In Ukrainian]. |