Parallel methods of representing multidigit numbers in numeral systems for testing multidigit operations / Zadiraka, / Tereshchenko. (2022)

English  Cybernetics and Systems Analysis   /     Issue (2022, 58 (6))

Zadiraka V.K., Tereshchenko A.M.
Parallel methods of representing multidigit numbers in numeral systems for testing multidigit operations

The paper proposes methods for representing a multidigit number in a numeral system with a different base when using parallel processors while testing arithmetic operations. Representation of numbers in numeral systems based on multidigit operations of division and subtraction or multidigit operations of multiplication and addition is considered. The algorithm with the split of multidigit numbers into groups of digits, taking into account the length of the machine word, allows us to distribute calculations between processors. The complexity by the number of operations and the amount of additional memory for the algorithms based on the iterative and recursive methods are analyzed. © 2023, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.

Keywords: multidigit addition, multidigit arithmetic, multidigit multiplication, numeral system, parallel computing model, Parallel processing systems, Arithmetic operations, Multidigit addition, Multidigit arithmetic, Multidigit multiplication, Numeral system, Parallel computing models, Parallel method, Parallel processor, Recursive methods, Iterative methods

Zadiraka V.K., Tereshchenko A.M. (2022). Parallel methods of representing multidigit numbers in numeral systems for testing multidigit operations. Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 58 (6), 158–176. doi: [In Ukrainian].


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